Brain Farts

Friday, May 30, 2008

Quick Hits - 5/30

I really need to discuss the NBA Finals, but I can't. Don't want to jinx anything. Let's just say though after last night's win, I was like Hammy from Over the Hedge.

Time Warner is the worst. First, my HD DVR crapped out, and so I ended up losing something very special I had recorded. Kobe's 81 point game. That was bad enough, but now the box they've replaced it with sucks! The old box was a MOXI, this new one is some piece of crap with the worst user interface imaginable. Yes Melissa, I know... it's TiVo time.

It pains me to no end to say this, but that Digital Underground album that came out earlier this week? Eh.

Got the Wii Fit this week, and it's definitely a workout. One of the reasons is that your "trainer" goes so damn slow, you're forced to do every repetition with perfect technique, and you need to hold that position longer than you normally would. Also, this game has shown me that apparently I have no balance whatsoever.

The Lost season finale last night was awesome. Lots of revelations. But since we're talking about Lost, my head is spinning even more so than before the episode aired.

I'm re-reading Watchmen for about the fifth time. I know it's already in post-production so it's too late, but can we please put a stop to this Watchmen movie? I normally don't care about books (even comic books or graphic novels) being made into movies, because I think of them as two different mediums that each bring something to the table. In theory, comic books can work because you're not necessarily re-telling a story that has already been told. It's why comic movie sequels work so well. The first movie is normally a re-hashing of the hero's origin, which has already been defined. The sequels allow the movie writers more freedom to tell stories that have never been told, while getting to play in the sandbox the original comic authors have created. In the case of Watchmen, Alan Moore's brilliant piece of literature is a book with a definitive beginning, middle and end. Will moviegoers allow the screenwriters any freedom with this revered text? I know I won't. It's way too dense, complex and intelligent to possibly work in a single movie. What hopefully will end up happening is what happened with Sin City. Just shoot the movie(s) panel for panel, and hope that the acting and visual effects brings a new element to an already outstanding tale. My take.. Watchmen has been done, and it was done perfectly the first time around. Please, please, please, leave it alone. Oh, and you know I'll be one of the first in line to see it.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Creep of the Week - Michelle Malkin and Dunkin' Donuts

It really saddens me when ignorant, bigoted people get their way. According to this article released by the AP, Dunkin' Donuts pulled an online ad featuring Rachel Ray after complaints that her attire was akin to a kaffiyeh, an Arab headdress. These complaints were led by noted right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin.

Um... this supports terrorism? It's a paisley scarf for heavens sake!

And let's pretend for a moment that she purposely wanted to wear something of Arab tradition. What the hell is wrong with that?! Being an Arab or Muslim is equal to being a terrorist?

Shame on Dunkin' Donuts for letting racist critics scare them into unnecessary action. They could have used this opportunity to make a statement that bigotry and fear-mongering will not affect their business practices. And a big F-YOU to Malkin and all the other ignorant critics.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hero of the Week - Blake Anderson Graham

Last night, the world welcomed my cousin Rysha's first baby to the world, a 7 pound boy named Blake Anderson Graham. Congrats to my cousin and my family. Oh, and how awesome of a name is "Blake Anderson"? How is he not the future President?

Pictures to come soon.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Quick Hits - 5/24

"Trading Places" is undoubtedly one of my favorite movies, and an all-time classic. But I wonder if I'm the only one (even after 50 or so viewings) that still gets confused by the ending? I get the premise, (they sell the frozen concentrated orange juice shares high, and buy low) but who were they selling/buying for? How'd they get on the trading floor? Ah... I won't think about it too much.

ESPN columnist and contributor Jemele Hill has one of THE best sports blogs out today. Nicely designed too. She always has something intelligent, thought-provoking, and relevant to say, without yelling and screaming at you. (Yeah, I'm talking about you Stephen A.)

I wish video game developers would start paying more attention to how Nintendo makes their signature games. Yes, high-definition graphics and rendering is great. But you know what would be cool? Creative, imaginative and just plain fun gameplay. There's a reason I'm spending most of my time racing a cartoon plumber around a psychedelic racetrack, as opposed to grinding through the next lame-ass first person shooter.

I'm sorry ladies, but the "Sex and the City" movie is going to be TERRIBLE. Don't say I didn't warn you.

You know I have so much to say regarding this year's NBA MVP and playoffs. Every thought will be articulated upon the ending of said playoffs.

Digital Underground's new album "Cuz a DU Party Don't Stop" is coming out this Tuesday!

The number of people in a meeting is inversely proportional to the number of good ideas or tasks that come out of that meeting. Examples:

  • Inter-departmental meeting on Wednesday; 12 people, 1 decent idea, 1 shitty task to complete.
  • Departmental meeting on Tuesday; 8 people, 2 really good ideas.
  • Team meeting last week; 3 people, 4-5 good ideas that were thoroughly discussed and transformed into 3 task items.

There is no discernable difference between Coors Light and water.

This Wednesday night bowling league is going to give me so much blog material. Unfortunately, I won't be able to post 75% of it because there are people at work who read this blog. And they might be easily offended.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Creep of the Week - Video Game Store Guy

There's a new breed of Comic Book Store Guy, and we'll call them "Video Game Store Guy". I was reading an article about the Wii Fit, and it stated it would be released today. However, most, if not all stores will actually be selling it this Wednesday. Here's a quick transcript of what happened when I went to GameSpot to try to pick it up.

Me: Is the Wii Fit out today?
Video Game Store Guy: No, it comes out the 21st. Did you reserve a copy?
Me: No.
VGSG (in that annoying, sarcastic, dorky manner): Well... good luck then! You're going to have some trouble getting it when it comes out.
Me: I should be all right.
Me (in my own head): FUCK YOU.

I'm not one to shit on how someone makes a living, but let's just say you have no right to speak to me in any demeaning manner when you're in your forties, working in a video game store, and haven't seen it since it's seen you. Fucking dork.
