Brain Farts

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Creep of the Week - Michelle Malkin and Dunkin' Donuts

It really saddens me when ignorant, bigoted people get their way. According to this article released by the AP, Dunkin' Donuts pulled an online ad featuring Rachel Ray after complaints that her attire was akin to a kaffiyeh, an Arab headdress. These complaints were led by noted right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin.

Um... this supports terrorism? It's a paisley scarf for heavens sake!

And let's pretend for a moment that she purposely wanted to wear something of Arab tradition. What the hell is wrong with that?! Being an Arab or Muslim is equal to being a terrorist?

Shame on Dunkin' Donuts for letting racist critics scare them into unnecessary action. They could have used this opportunity to make a statement that bigotry and fear-mongering will not affect their business practices. And a big F-YOU to Malkin and all the other ignorant critics.



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